Friday, January 16, 2015

Gho Samrakshanam (Cow Protection) - Ebook on Sri Maha Periva's Teachings

Today, 16-Jan 2015  is a special Pooja day for Cows – popular in South India as “Maattu Pongal” , when all farmers worship the Cow.

Today also happens to be the Holy Anusham Day, the birth star of our Guru, Sri Kanchi Maha Periva.

What a great day to remember HIM and Gomaata!

On this special occasion, here is an Ebook on "Gho Samrakshanam" (Cow Protection) launched by Kanchi Periva Forum ( This Ebook contains Sri Maha Periva's Upadesam on Cow Protection.

As you will read from the book, Sri Maha Periva has divinely addressed every argument that one can think about on why this holy animal must be protected and why cruelty to the cow is a great sin.  

Sri Maha Periva in His discourses stresses the need for all sections of the society to come together to prevent the slaughtering of cows. This book is really an eye opener, and I request you to share this compilation with your friends and relatives, in order to bring more awareness.  

This Ebook also includes a list of Goshalas in Tamilnadu which are very deserving and are in need of support. Please try to support these Goshalas in any way you can.

May the Mahaswami's benevolent grace protect and guide us all.
