Monday, July 2, 2012

Health Tips # 2 - Osteporosis & Pumpkin seeds

The problem of brittle bone is very rampant today and more precisely known as osteoporosis.

If you eat pumpkin seed you can increase the protection against this problem. The zinc content is very high in seed and this is sure to make strong impact.

The good work of seeds do not end here, you can reduce inflammation without any drugs. In fact, Pumpkin seeds are an amazing source of good health.

Next time when you buy pumpkin don’t forget to scoop out the seeds and preserve them for your health. Don’t make a mistake to throw the seeds away.

You can fry them in frying pan and grinned them until powder is produced. Here are the benefits for our health.

The seed has in store for us such as, if you are facing problem in urination then you must increase the amount of consumption.

This will improve the bladder function.

Person who is undergoing depression are advised to eat this seed. The consumption of this seed has shown tremendous benefits and this is proved that seed contains L-tryptohan which is naturally used to kill depression. If you are suffering from any kind of depression, you must eat and see the amazing result.

Tapeworms are another problem where you hardly can find some good effective medicines but you can ensure if you take pumpkin seeds. This act as parasite killer as well.

You can prevent cancer if you eat regularly; the seed has anti-cholesterol substance which acts as strong weapon against health problems.

The hidden secrete of pumpkin seeds has been revealed, so, grab the opportunity and protect yourself from any health menace.



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